Title farming alliance looking for more eligable guilds to join us.
North American
Alliance Rules:
1. No Trading in alliance chat. No buying or selling. We avoid this because we have forums that we can conduct trades on and it just causes spam that nobody wants to read.
2. No being racist to other people in the guild and alliance. We dont care if you cuss or swear though so......
3. As a PvE ALLIANCE we expect all guilds to use the ALLIANCE ventrilo. It isnt absolutely needed for every single person to be on vent. However, having vent helps with puting together vanquishing runs and FoW runs and UW runs and Hard Mode mission runs and things like that easily.
4. NO SPAM.... Meaning you can say multiple lines of whatever but dont say the same thing twice.
5. No Politics
6. We want to be a title farming based alliance. Meaning that we will do basically anything as long as people want to do it or need to do it. Do not come in asking for help for everything and get upset when people don't help you. This is a title farming alliance and people are usually doing their own thing already so don't get upset if people ignore you, its seems rude but they are probably extremely busy focusing on what they may be doing lol. I know when im playing and people are asking for things and im out vanquishing I cant really juggle vent and a mouse and a keyboard and 2 conversations at once while trying to nuke.
The goal of this alliance is to have a relaxed atmosphere where people can enjoy playing the game and not have a ton of rules to worry about. Easy grouping, title farming and good times for everyone! We believe that too many rules ruins the fun of things. Just the important rules for people to enjoy the game without drama.
Every guild has their own channel on vent and forums! Leaders of guilds please speak to either I or Realcrack Man for moderator of your own forums